A young black male who writes screenplays with nothing better to do with his time than to not make money, desperately contemplates to come up with the ultimate blog.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Desperate Thinking: The Stubborn Discipline of Prince Sherod

Current mood: bouncy
Category: Writing and Poetry

Well, well, well… the Desperate Thinker suddenly has another blog up his sleeve. Fortunately for you, today's entry is truthfully a desperate entry for once. If by the grace of physics you were able to actually walk a mile in my shoes this month, you'd be struggling to write on myspace too. Hell, you might not even want to be near a computer. Nonetheless, I made a promise to myself to continue this blog.

Sorry to keep you waiting if you're a diehard fan.


My bud Chris wrote an entry stating she was 'giving up' on her animation project because of my desire to better myself as a screenwriter and lack of updating the short film script she asked me to develop and write. Personally, I had no idea it had been so long since I worked on it. So Chris, I'm going to tell you what I told Dave Alvarez: One of us has a day job, and its NOT me. If you want an update, pay me. Since you're a good friend I'll charge $40 for 15 pages. Until then, I'll update when I see fit to.


Anyone out there notices the new blonde do of mine? Pretty hot I say! I was just bored in Jackson, MS watching TV and all of a sudden "BLONDE HAIR! THAT'S PERFECT!" My aunt thought it was gay, and a gay stockperson at the gas station thought I should've got something darker, but it's a start…


Shout out goes to Cici and Gus for inviting your boy to the Peabody Hotel to party the other week. Overpriced beer and a beautiful view (Not to mention meeting someone on myspace who looks better than their picture) is really satisfying.


I'd like to shed a little light on why I stay in Jackson, MS so much. 95% of why is because of my bro from another mo Otha. But the people in this run-down ass city are the most delightful characters you may ever lay your eyes upon. The children have some of the most embarrassing education privileges available. The southern comfort can be mistaken for stupidity if you don't take the time to know some of the people, but the people who are unmistakingly stupid are real self-esteem boosters.


What do you do when two well-dressed, shapely Jehovah Witnesses arrive at your door trying to spread their word of God? Get Uncanned Heat to scare them off!

LADY: Hello young man.

NARI: Hi, how are you?

LADY: We're here to spread the, uh, word of Jehovah…

NARI: I don't understand—

LADY: Basically we're, uh, Jehovah's Witnesses.

NARI: Well I'm a Muslim so I don't know how that would help your cause. I wish I could help you somehow.

OTHA: Yeah, and I don't know how to read!!

LADY: Well could I just give you a pamphlet talking about what we're about?

NARI: Oh, that sounds interesting! We don't have to pay for it do we?

OTHA: I know I won't need to read it!

LADY: It's free. (She hands me a pamphlet with a white man showing off a bird to his family.)

OTHA: Daddy?! (Points to the white man) Is that my daddy?!

NARI: That DOES look like Mr. Kelly doesn't it? Wow!

OTHA: And whose that woman he's with?!

LADY: Alright, sorry for interrupting you all, bye.

Quickly after that, these two broads haul ass off the steps! That's what they get for coming in so damn early…


I've finally realized that being afraid to ask for things is truly one of my dumbest traits, and the one trait I need to drop more than anything else. Last week, I felt too stubborn to ask for a damn plate of food last week while fam was cleaning the kitchen up, so I stayed stuck in my room hungry, choosing not to eat or even take my drowsy-ass medicine. In my head I thought I was being strong and would eventually be doing myself a favor. But my body was tired and worried, begging for a chance to be filled. So the entire day I starved myself through until 8 pm. Once the kitchen was clean, I angrily ran in and fixed a cold can of Chef Boyardee and breakfast leftovers.


Devouring the bowl, I got a call from Weapon X, asking for my help exposing a poser on an internet forum. The kid had basically gone online talking noise like he was the next David Banner but was straight outta the Vanilla Ice Training Kit Club, and X needed the wretched song of his past to embarrass his ass. I rushed to the computer to send the song, and while staring at the screen, trying to get to the right website, not giving a care about the world one bit…

… I wake up in the back of an ambulance…damn, this looks familiar… must've had another seizure… after a year and a half of freedom.


Don't get me wrong, I've had four seizures in the past, and have yet to care about any of them. But none had been in front of people I love, only strangers. Now take that and just imagine, most of everyone there at the time had never even seen someone have a seizure before, a lot of people in the neighborhood even thought I was dead and were ready to spread their condolences along with the hopes of becoming Otha's new best friend.


Let me state this a little more from the heart: The one thing that drives me to be the best friend I can be is discipline. I call on phone everyday when I'm not around. I keep my hands to myself at all costs despite ANY temptation of flesh (Let's face it, Otha's sisters are hot). I give my respect to the elders of the family each and every day and thank them beyond reason for their permission to stay in their home to visit their son because right now it's the greatest gift I've ever received next to the gift of seeing another day. So I feel like no one should be exposed to my ultimate inherited weakness and what may soon become my downfall…


… But when I woke up bloodied and bruised from seizure damage, barely able to walk, broken nose and all, and Otha was telling me how he held me in his arms as I stopped breathing, and almost beat up the paramedic for making a stereotypical joke…

PARAMEDIC: Alright everyone, don't worry no one's been SHOT…

OTHA: What the FUCK?!!

PHOEBE: Just ignore him, Dumpa!

… that makes me feel like all that pushing to be my absolute best was for nothing. I don't usually treat my blood family like a true Bob Saget, but anyone from that tree will be the first to tell you I treat people with the utmost respect while still staying true to oneself at all times. I guess what I'm trying to say is, I don't like to be a bother to people. So knowing that I needed help with my life in the balance makes me feel helpless.

But isn't that the reason we have friends in the first place?



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